Encouraging Creativity in Education

creativity in education

As a rather “academic” person in my approach to education, this TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson is something I need to watch regularly.

A few things we do (with varying degrees of success) to encourage creativity:

  • Limit screen time- there is nothing that will suck creativity from a child than being endlessly entertained.
  • Avoid over-scheduling. The best way to encourage creative play is to have plenty of free time. It only makes sense that if kids constantly have their time planned out for them, they never learn to use their imaginations to make their own fun.
  • Look for toys or items that encourage creative play. Open ended toys like blocks/legos, dress-up clothes, art supplies, play-doh, sidewalk chalk, puppets, etc.

Ken Robinson has written several books. I recommend Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. Great Read.

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