Archive for the ‘Methods’ category

Multi-Tasking Subjects

In an effort to be sure we’re doing right for our children, sometimes we can end up piling on the subjects and have a difficult time finishing everything. One great way to accomplish more is to combine subjects and make tasks do double duty. It’s easiest to do this with language arts. In the elementary […]

Break up hard subjects into bite sized chunks

Many kids have at least one subject that they dislike. My son dreads math and we have had some big struggles with just getting through it every day.  Recently I realized that part of the problem was that just looking at the two pages of the lesson, filled with math problems, was overwhelming to him. […]

Eclectic Homeschooling

Eclectic Homeschooling is a term that has become popular as homeschoolers gain confidence and become savvy consumers of different methods. It simply means picking and choosing what works best for you and not being afraid to make decisions or change your mind. An eclectic homeschooler may use one publisher for math and another for science. Or, she […]

Computer Based Learning Method

As this type of home schooling method is becoming more popular, there are increasing varieties of how students use the computer for their home schooling. Some computer-based curriculums have the curriculum on CDs or DVDs. Others are more like distance learning courses taken through the Internet. In fact, many universities and colleges are starting to […]

Literature Based Method

Sonlight Curriculum is probably the oldest and one of the most popular of the literature-based home school curriculums. Rather than use textbooks, which can be rather dry and uninteresting to many children, literature-based curriculums use “living books” like Charlotte Mason advocated. Students read historical fiction, first-person accounts and books written by people with a passion […]

Lapbooking and Notebooking

Both lapbooking and notebooking are similar to Unit Studies in that there is a focus on a particular concept or theme.  Lapbooking allows the student to create an abbreviated “show and tell” of what they learn, while Notebooking carries it to the next level, creating an on-going notebook on a subject.  Both methods are a […]

Traditional Homeschool Method

This approach mimics what happens in the public school classroom. It compartmentalizes subject areas, uses textbooks, and relies on teacher-driven content. Focus is on the national (or private institution’s) standards Involves lectures, grade-level textbooks, workbooks, drill and memorization, practice problems and review, testing, and grades Lots of reading and writing Full school day Goal is […]

Unschooling Method

Based on the teachings of John Holt, unschooling allows children to take control of their educational choices. Unschooling is student-directed instead of teacher-directed. Unschoolers often take issue with the current, expert-based education system, choosing instead to trust the individual’s ability to guide their own education by following their interests.  Focus on a child’s natural desire […]

Classical Method

This is the method used to train the greatest thinkers of the western world. A classical curriculum includes reading great works of literature and studying rhetoric and logic. Advocates of this approach are critical of progressive trends that, they believe, water down education. Their main goal is to cultivate independent thinkers, and develop great communicators […]

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Method

Charlotte Mason was an influential educator in the 19th century who advocated developing the soul and spirit of a child. Her method is literature based, with English and other subjects taught in an integrated way. This approach has become wildly popular with homeschoolers with many curriculum providers utilizing the Mason Method.  You can check out […]