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Free Math Stuff Roundup

There are tons of free math resources available on the internet. Today’s roundup includes free worksheets, drills and a fun math game!

Curriculum Review: Handwriting Without Tears

Before we even began homeschooling, I had heard about Handwriting Without Tears. People raved about it, so when my fine motor challenged little guy was ready to begin a handwriting program I knew it was the method we would go with. Handwriting Without Tears® teaches a simple, clean, vertical style of printing and cursive that […]

Preschool Roundup

Time for some fun with the preschoolers!

Which teaching method should I choose?

Many of the differences in homeschooling methods boil down to the following questions: how you want to be involved in teaching the amount of structure you want what you want your child to learn how you want to evaluate your child’s progress Each of these methods has a slightly different answer to these questions. How […]

Classical Method

This is the method used to train the greatest thinkers of the western world. A classical curriculum includes reading great works of literature and studying rhetoric and logic. Advocates of this approach are critical of progressive trends that, they believe, water down education. Their main goal is to cultivate independent thinkers, and develop great communicators […]

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Method

Charlotte Mason was an influential educator in the 19th century who advocated developing the soul and spirit of a child. Her method is literature based, with English and other subjects taught in an integrated way. This approach has become wildly popular with homeschoolers with many curriculum providers utilizing the Mason Method.  You can check out […]

Unit Studies

This method utilizes a particular theme to teach a variety of subjects.  Unit studies incorporate various learning styles and are a good way to teach a variety of ages without having to make different lesson plans.  Unit studies allow teacher and student the freedom to pursue the interests of the family, while still attending to […]

Homeschooling on the Cheap

There are many, many free resources available for homeschooling, from preschool on up. Besides your local library, there are literally thousands of online worksheets, drills, activities, games, crafts and ideas to make homeschooling as easy on the wallet as possible.

Create Your Own Handwriting Worksheets

There are some excellent resources available for creating your own handwriting worksheets. Here are a few: Worksheet Creator Multi-word Handwriting Worksheets